

17-18/F, Hang Tung Resources Centre,

18 A Kung Ngam Village Rd, Shaukewan, Hong Kong

Tel: 852-28662168 Fax: 852-28662008


Hang Tung Resources (USA) Co., Ltd

2700 Patriot Blvd Ste 160, Glenview, IL,  60026 U.S.A

Tel:001-847-730-5961 Fax: 001-847-730-0495

Join us

We are seeking the high intelligent talent worldwide. The oilseed and grain trading/ cotton trading experienced will be highly welcome in our USA and Australia office.

If you are the right person, who want to have a high and broad platform to perform yourself, and full of a competitive and challenge, please send your fullresume with the cover letter to our USA office

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